
Data embodiment through embroidery

Data embodiment through embroidery

As much as I enjoy crunching data and coding, spending my day in front of my R session can be frustrating sometimes, especially since I love to use my hands on crafts.

Uninformed sterilizations are still happening

Uninformed sterilizations are still happening

Today is the 8th of March 2021, it’s international women’s day, and I want to tell you you about forced and uninformed sterilization. An anti-forced sterilization poster by the artist Rachael Romero, 1953.

Wanted: a perfect reproducible paper workflow

Wanted: a perfect reproducible paper workflow

Last week I submitted my first article as part of my PhD. This paper was written in R markdown and is fully reproducible. It means that a single document contains all the manuscript but also all the code for the analysis and figure generation.

A dataset of harmonized DHS districts

A dataset of harmonized DHS districts

In this post, I present a dataset that I created, containing the harmonized district names and regions of 254 demographic and health surveys (DHS). I explain why I created it, how I did it and how to use the dataset.